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Compassion, Equality & Integrity: Our work is born out of compassion for those who lack the opportunities and resources to live fulfilling and safe lives.



Over1,000 children have come through Aarti's doors for permanent or temporary care. 800 children have been rescued from abuse and trafficking.  50 Aarti children have now graduated from college.  There are 375 needy children are currenly enrolled in Aarti school, receiving free or low-cost education.

Aarti School

Aarti School

Aarti places immense emphasis on girls’ education, believing that education is the only way to break the stigmas surrounding girl children and give women rights and opportunities.

Aarti Home

Aarti Home

It all began with Radhika. After bringing the abandoned two-year-old girl Radhika to her house, Sandhya and her nieces decided to create a small bank account to raise a few children. Close friends in the community quickly joined in: Durga helped them secure a small house, Vimala moved in to take care of the girls, and Sunita helped organize all their correspondences. At the time, there were no big plans, no zeal to change the societal views, and no expectation for recognition. Their simple goal

Livlihood Programs

Livlihood Programs

One of the largest issues for many underprivileged women living in Kadapa is a lack of financial independence: traditionally, women work in the home and the men are the sole providers for the family, and thus, the head of the family. This causes a skewed power dynamic because women are entirely dependent on their husbands- financially and otherwise. They have to ask for money and permission from their husbands for even small decisions. This powerlessness within the home and the lack of respect f

Mana Bidda

Mana Bidda

At the start of the project, the Mana Bidda staff went into all of the villages to conduct interviews with locals about their mindsets around women and girl children. At the end of the project, they wil return to these villages to conduct a second round of interviews in order to gage whether or not the Mana Bidda program was effective in helping the villagers dismantle their disciminatory views about women.

How is Manam helping Aarti?

Aarthi strives to create an India where the birth of a child is a joy regardless of gender, where every girl is cared for and is educated, and where women are empowered to make choices for themselves.Aarti is trusted by the community as an organization that is always honest and dedicated to its cause. Children and women will always be safe, loved, and respected while in our care.


Over the past 20 years, Aarthi’s dedicated and selfless team has provided shelter, education for almost 102 orphaned and abandoned girls and supported women empowerment by training 14000 women in income-generating skills. Aarthi developed a model for sustainable local social change and strongly believed that their movement in Kadapa is simply a drop in the bucket. They hope to see these types of programs emerge throughout India to empower women and give them the skills and resources to live emotionally and economically independent live. Together, we can raise the tide.

***Aarti is a  501(c)3 Organization. All US Donations are tax deductible from Aarti for Girls Inc (EIN # 47-3019649) *** 

Manam’s next production “Bhoochakram” is supporting Aartiforgirls by providing education and food for 100 children for one year which is approximately $20,000 and 50 women with various livelihood training which is approximately $10,000 by July 8th 2017. Manam will be generating this amount by local Bay Area sponsors and Ticket Sales of the Show. We are requesting, friends and families living in any part of the world, who cannot make it to the show but still would like to support the great cause to donate through this link. Also, request you to forward this link to your friends and families. You can support Aarti by donating any amount you wish or by sponsoring for the education or food for children for any number of days. Every dollar makes a difference.



Schooling for one child per year costs $100

College education for one student per year costs $200


One meal for one child per year costs $50 

All meals for one child per year costs $100

Why Aarti for Girls?

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